This study is entitled users satisfaction of rwanda e-procurement system in government service delivery, case of rwanda public procurement authority (rppa) 2020-2023. The study was conducted to evaluate wether e-procurement system used by Rwandan public institutions has made user satisfied or not. The study was descriptive and correlative design. Both primary data were collected and used. Primary data were collected from RPPA employees where a sample of 80 staff were interviwed with a list of questions. Data were presented using descriptive statitics prameters and inferentials statistics prameters and functions. The study findings explain that, all setted null hypotheses were rejected in favor of alternative hypotheses. This was considered based on the analysis results in the current study. The study also has shown that, there is negative correlation between different varibales due to the level of use which is still ineficient in e-procurement system among public institutions in Rwanda. For each improvement is suggested. In other case, the e-procurement has made user satified, but the level is still less than 50% and this is not meeting government targets. Thus, there is a need for developing sufficient tools, decentralizing the e-procurement system, ensure that, the system is flexible to all procurement goods and services and the system is accessible to budget owner institutions and budget dependent instutions.
All in all, the study has achieved its goals, and the hypotheses were validetated and found not valid in favour of their alternative. In general way, there is a statistical signficance of e-procurement system use and user satisfaction in public instituions services delivery. However, the influence is still low and need further improvements.
Key words: User satisfaction; E-procurement system; Service delivery.