This paper focused on the role of single project implementation unit in managing donor funded project in Rwanda, the findings evaluated the SPIU of MINECOFIN, MINISANTE, MINAGRI, and MINALOC. This study has four specific
objectives which were t projects, t
affect performance of donors funded , t
, and t
. The findings show the 56.9% males, and 43.1% females. The findings show that
o establish how Coordination and creation of synergy
o find out how Project implementation oversight affect performance of donor funded projects
coordination of donor funded projects and its activities are effectively improving the aid in the ministry’s projects. The staff retention are effectively in SPIU of MINECOFIN, MINISANTE, MINAGRI, and MINALOC because the compensation facilities help employee to fulfil their responsibilities in funded projects, work schedule flexibility influence employee retention that affecting donor funded projects, the top performer recognition and rewards are given as a channel of competition among the employees in funded projects. The project implementation oversight in Minecofin, Minisante, Minagri, and Minaloc basing to the management practices (planning, controlling, organizing M&E) which influence effective implementation and use of donor funded projects. Therefore, the findings show that institutional memory based skills in project planning and management on implementation of donor funded projects, the strengthening organizations in community level affects donor funded projects development which became a way of community empowerment, accountability, technology and monitoring and evaluation of funded projects. As conclusion, it is therefore, based to the outcomes of this study, the objectives of the study were realized, the research questions were responded, and research hypotheses were verified while retained alternative hypotheses and rejected null hypotheses in this study. It would be of great value to ensure proper structure and sequence of targets and their respective indicators so that, at end, the defined development objective be met upon the achievement of contributing indicators. In addition, some targeted indicators have delayed, as they required external scrutiny and adoption before considered as achieved. Key Words: single project, implementation unit, and donor funded project