This study examined the logistics management and supply chain performance. A case of liquefied petroleum gas at Societe petroliere Ltd. The target population for this study was146 employees of the Societe petroliere Ltd employees and sample size was 59 employees. Study employed descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, both qualitative and quantitative were utilized to analyse the data with assistance of SPSS software program version 25.0 descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were employed to present frequencies tables, percentages, mean and standard deviation and Inferential analysis was used in order to use Pearson correlation and multiple regression model to test the relationship between the independent variables and dependent variable. Qualitative and quantitative analysis utilized descriptive statistics in order produce frequency tables, percentages and mean. Inferential statistics were used in order to use person correlation and multiple regression model to test and draw relationship between variables both for independent band dependent. Effect of warehouse management on performance supply chain of LPG at SP Ltd. The overall means of results was 4.96, the effects of Inventory management activity on performance supply chain of LPG at SP Ltd. The overall means of results was 4.85, the effects of transportation management activity on performance supply chain of LPG at SP Ltd. The overall means of results was 4.87, the data of supply chain performance was analyzed, the overall means of results was 4.87depending on the results, it presented that the supply chain performance was on good grades. It indicated that the relationship between Logistics management and supply chain performance between warehouse management, inventory management, transportation management and supply chain performance was 0.509,0 .842 and 0.854 respectively, and the results presented than the variables were statistically significant with p value=0.000b. The results presented the variables of logistics management, The results on warehouse management were statistically significant with p value=0.000b, the Inventory management was statistically significant with p value=0.000b, and the Transportation management was statistically significant with p value=0.000b. It concluded that there was a significant relationship between logistics management and supply chain performance. The study recommended that MINICOM and MINFRA should mobilize Rwandans to engage in vending LPG Gas in plenty so that adaptability of using Gaz can replace usual fuel that cause deforestation and pollution
Keywords: Logistics; Logistics management; supply chain; Supply chain performance