Effect of Project Management on Success of Mergers and Acquisitions of Companies in Rwanda: case of Investment Finance / Commercial Buildings Project of KCB and Rural Sector Support Project of BPR (2020-2023).


Background: the study aimed to assess the impact of project management on the success of mergers and acquisitions in Rwandan companies, focusing on the Investment Finance/Commercial Buildings project of KCB and the Rural Sector Support Project of BPR. The specific objectives included examining the effects of project timeline management, project budget management, project human resource management, project quality planning management, and project risk assessment on the success of mergers and acquisitions.  Methods: The research utilized descriptive and correlative research designs, employing a mixed approach of qualitative and quantitative methods. Data were collected from a population of 237 individuals, with a sample size of 149 selected through stratified and purposive sampling. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23.0 was used for data processing and analysis, employing descriptive statistics, correlation, and multiple linear regression analysis. Findings: The correlation analysis revealed significant and positive relationships between the independent variables (X1, X2, X3, X4, and X5) and the dependent variable (Y - success of mergers and acquisitions). Effective timeline management (X1) demonstrated a significant positive correlation (Pearson Correlation = 0.476), emphasizing its importance for project success. Project budget management (X2) also exhibited a significant positive correlation (Pearson Correlation = 0.583), highlighting the value of budget management. Efficient human resource management (X3) showed a significant positive correlation (Pearson Correlation = 0.522), underscoring the role of human resources in project success. Effective quality planning management (X4) displayed a significant positive correlation (Pearson Correlation = 0.621), emphasizing the importance of quality planning. Thorough project risk assessment (X5) had a significant positive correlation (Pearson Correlation = 0.671), stressing the role of risk assessment in achieving success. Conclusion: all independent variables (X1, X2, X3, X4, and X5) were found to be positively and significantly correlated with the success of merger and acquisition projects. These results underscore the crucial role of project management factors, including timeline management, budget management, human resource management, quality planning management, and risk assessment, in determining the success of mergers and acquisitions in Rwandan companies. Recommendations: Based on the findings, it is recommended that companies engaged in mergers and acquisitions in Rwanda prioritize effective project management strategies, focusing on timeline management, budget management, human resource management, quality planning management, and risk assessment. Implementing robust project management practices can enhance the likelihood of successful outcomes in the context of mergers and acquisitions. Additionally, organizations are encouraged to invest in training and development programs to build the necessary skills and competencies in project management for their personnel involved in such strategic initiatives.

2024-05-22 21:44:05 JANET KAYITESI
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