Effect of Project Management Practices on the Improvement of Irish Potatoes Value Chain Project: A Case of SDGP Project in Musanze District, Rwanda (2020-2022)

This study investigates the impact of project management practices on the improvement of the Irish potatoes value chain project in Musanze District, Rwanda. It focuses on assessing the effects of project planning, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation on the project's success. Using a census method due to a small target population of 135, which included SDGP staff and local agricultural representatives, the study utilized both primary and secondary data, analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics in SPSS.

The results indicate that project management practices, particularly planning, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation, have a strong positive correlation with project improvement. However, the study also highlights some areas of concern, such as inadequate detailed planning and beneficiary involvement. With an R-squared value of .862, these practices explain 86.2% of the variations in project improvement.

Conclusively, the study affirms that effective project management significantly enhances the Irish potatoes value chain project in Musanze District. Recommendations include refining the planning process, enhancing beneficiary involvement, improving risk management during implementation, and ensuring effective communication and use of monitoring and evaluation findings to foster better project outcomes.

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Key words: project management practices, project improvement, project planning, project 

2024-05-28 04:57:58 Victor Kagayigayi
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